Sunday Pride Booth Volunteer 2020  · Any

Jun 28 ’20
Registration Dates:
Jan 1 ’20 – Jun 29 ’20 regular
Fred Lessley
Minimum age:
21 years old
Age as of:
Jun 25 ’16
Volunteer Fees

Hosting a beer booth at SF Pride is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. We need lots of volunteers to help us sell beer! Please sign up for a shift - use your SFGSL login to register.

Our busiest times will be between 1pm and 5pm and that's when we'll need the most volunteers. Shift times are, 6am - 9am, 9am - 12am, 12am - 3pm, 3pm - 6pm,  If you have not fullfilled your volunteerism for the 2020 season then this is a great way to fulfill it and have fun at the same time!  

If you have any questions, please contact Fred Lessley.

If you would like to serve beer or liquor at the booth, you must have a valid ABC Training card. If you would like to get a ABC Training Card, you can attend an ABC training session on TBA.

If you have done the training within the past three years then you should still be valid as the training is good for three years.  

NOTE: You do not need to attend the ABC training to volunteer.

Announcements & Messages

Event Notes:

Registration is closed

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